

Grow your leadership by attending a workshop hosted by the Polaris Young Adult Leadership Network. These online interactive workshops provide an opportunity to learn from leading experts and connect with other leaders. Reflective activities and insightful discussions will equip you to lead more effectively right where you are. Topics address issues frequently raised by leaders, including mental health, creation care, storytelling, and faith-shaped leadership in non-religious settings.


Polaris Micro-Courses invite young adult leaders into spiritual disciplines, connect them to each other in reflective communities, and sustain them as leaders. Current micro-courses focus on practices of discernment and sabbath.


Polaris Leadership Fellows participate in a year-long leadership acceleration program designed to build relationships with one another and strengthen leadership in their local contexts. Each cohort is comprised of select individuals nominated by collaborative partners across the nation and representing a diverse denominational ecology. The program involves two on campus retreats and monthly online meetings. Fellowship resources include funding to support or launch a local project, coaching, spiritual direction, and opportunities to visit and learn from leaders who inspire them. Applications for Fall 2025 are now open. 

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